Icon Design: Mid-Century Modern

To better understand how to develop and use icons, a practice in research and illustration was conducted. The process began by selecting a topic on which to conduct research and identify 25 items within that topic that could be represented with an icon. The chosen topic was mid-century modern interior design. This was a design style seen between the 1950s and the 1970s. The style is characterized by simplicity, adherence to traditional forms such as rectangles and circles, and the celebration of the materials used in crafting. 

Three styles (with graphic examples) were chosen as references for the style in which the 25 future icons would be illustrated. From the research a collage of information, including visual as well as textual aids, was assembled to aid as an illustration reference. The first iteration of the icon set was found to correctly represent the items for which it was created, however, the illustrations did not correctly follow the referenced styles. The illustrations were overly detailed and did not carry an equally proportionate line-weight, affecting the readability of the icons. 

A second iteration was published with corrections based on the first critique and effects such as light rays for the lamps and accessories for the furniture were added to the illustrations to demonstrate their function. The practice instilled the importance of balancing functionality and creativity.

A Moodboard representing research done in the beginning stages of the project

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